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With a passion for creating smiles, the doctors at Beacon Place Dental Group view designing smiles as similar to creating a work of art.
Beacon Place Dental Group is the area’s preferred cosmetic dentist in Boston
and uses state-of-the-art technology and innovative techniques to provide outstanding, unmatched results.
Digital Smile Design is an innovative technology that creates a designer smile. What makes this technology so unique is that it considers the teeth and the face shape as a whole. The system takes high-resolution photographs and videos of the face and teeth.
Dr. Bill Papadopoulos and Dr. Pilar Sanchez, the trusted doctors of Beacon Place Dental Group, first discuss the patient's goals with them. Patients may go so far as to present pictures of their idea of the perfect smile. The system videos the discussion, allowing the practice to get a picture of the patient with different expressions on their face.
The dentist also takes a series of high-resolution photographs to map details and uses the DSD planning tools to create highly accurate mock-ups of what different techniques will achieve.
These mock-ups enable patients to choose the right combination of techniques to achieve the look that they want. Beacon Place Dental Group gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "customized treatment plan."
Many dentists can only estimate the results of treatments. The dentists at the Beacon Place Dental Group prefer a more certain approach, and digital smile technology offers that certainty. The results are striking but also completely natural and fit a patient’s facial features perfectly.
Beacon Place Dental Group is one of the few practices nationwide that take full advantage of this smart technology.
Aside from using the DSD software, the practice also invests in the best diagnostic equipment. 3D intraoral scanners make the traditional wax impressions obsolete. Digital x-rays allow a clear view of the jaw and the soft tissue, allowing for the perfect placement of implants and other restorative treatments.
The skilled dental ceramicists use these scans to create crowns, bridges, veneers, and dentures that fit like a glove.
As the developers of the SmileWell method, there is no one better at creating custom porcelain veneers. Other practices in the Boston area may try to emulate the results, but there’s no substitution for experience.
Learn More About Dr. Bill Papadopoulos
If you don’t want to wait weeks or months to see what your perfect smile looks like, book your consultation online or by calling (617) 738-0700 today. Find out how Dr. Bill Papadopulos and Dr. Pilar Sanchez can transform your smile.